A regular high school class (24 male students, approx. 17 years old) completed twice a high intensity circular training with 8 exercises and 2 sets. They performed with 2 different intervals:
-20 sec work – 10 sec. rest and change of exercise
-30 sec work – 20 sec. rest and change of exercise
Individual HRmax. reached in a shuttle-run-test was used as a reference. For each student, this would be compared with heartrates reached during the two circular trainings. Furthermore, students filled in a questionnaire about their motivation and the strain they felt during the training.
Based on the result of shuttle-run-test, heartrate was divided into 4 heartrate-zones according to individual HRmax:
- Zone 1: -95%-100%
- Zone 2: 90%-95%
- Zone 3: 70%-90%
- Zone 4: >70%
Especially the time spent in Zone 1 (most strenuous), was significantly longer in training 2 with 30sec. work – 20 sec. rest.
These results correspond with the individual feeling of strain during the 2 sessions: longer intervals were estimated more strenuous:
Individual motivation was average (left =highly motivated, right=not motivated at all); and for most students, high intensity circular training was a good to moderate form of physical exercise (44% good, 39% moderate):
- High intensity circular training proved in this group an effective way to reach heartrates that are most relevant for cardiovascular adaption.
- The longer interval results in a higher intensity.
- The Students of this class estimate high intensity circular training a good to moderate form of physical exercise (44% good, 39% moderate).